CaCCCHE invites nominations for our 2024-2025 CaCCCHE Executive Board.
Only current or potential members of the 2023-2024 fiscal year are eligible as candidates for our 2024-2025 CaCCCHE eBoard open positions. Nominees who are not current 2023-2024 CaCCCHE active members must (re)activate by paying their membership dues on or soon after their nomination notification by the Past-President, yet no later than 11:59 PM PDT on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, two business days prior to when our Elections Ballot/Voting Period begins on Friday, March 24, 2023.
Elected Positions for 2024-2025:
- President-Elect (1 Open Position), The individual in this position assists the President in executing the operations, programs, and dissemination of information in CaCCCHE. This position also facilities drive-in conferences and supports webinars as well as the annual summer conference each year (virtual, hybrid, or in-person). This individual is the chair of the 2026 CaCCCHE Annual Summer Conference. We strongly recommend the ability to host the conference at their employed institution. If unable to host at their currently employed institution, this individual is responsible for seeking out alternative sites [3 year term with 1st year as President-Elect, 2nd year as President, and 3rd year as Past-President]
- Secretary (1 Open Position), The individual manages and monitors the records of all meetings and business of CaCCCHE. The Secretary assists the President in preparing for meetings, and manages correspondence among the Board. [ 2 year commitment]
- Member-at-Large (1 Open Position), Individuals in this position are responsible for assistance with the recruitment of new members, retention of current members, and engagement of current and potential members with networking and professional development opportunities. This position also facilities webinars and supports drive-in conferences as well as the annual summer conference each year (virtual, hybrid, or in-person). [2 year term]
CaCCCHE Executive Appointed Position (1 Open Position, Knowledge and Skills Specific):
- Treasurer-Trainee (1), The individual in this position shadows the Treasurer. The Treasurer-Trainee learn how to manage and monitor the business operations, financial transactions, and fiscal records through our financial services providers. This position also supports webinars, drive-in conferences, and the annual summer conference each year (virtual, hybrid, or in-person).The Treasurer-Trainee will assume the Treasurer role after their 1st year. [3 year term with 1st year as Treasurer-Trainee, 2nd year as Treasurer, and 3rd year as Past-Treasurer].